Tuesday, February 16, 2010

big bird

tyler and his girlfriend....she just doesn't know what's coming...

oops...i am caught!

so...how do i say this...but tyler has a girlfriend.

her name is big bird. (and i know big bird is really a boy...but tylers big bird IS a girl...for obvious reasons)

our neighbors donna and wes gave him this stuffed big bird for christmas and he just loves it...a lot!

seriously, i gave tyler the big bird for the first time and he just gazed at her for a while...then took her head like he was fixing to make out with her...and then DID!!! he just sucks on her beak and it seriously looks like he's kissing her. i about fell out of my rocker the first time he did it i was laughing so hard!!!!! anytime chad or i need a laugh, we just give tyler his girlfriend...big bird!

1 comment:

  1. This is hilarious. Although, Jacey is a little jealous, since she's been told Tyler is her future spouse! :)
