he loves to sit with his feet crossed like this. esp. when he eats in his highchair.

giving mommy love at dinner time. this just melts my heart. he puts his hands on my face and makes this little cooing sound and opens up his mouth really wide so as to "kiss" me.

tyler is going to be 1 year old in less than 6 days. i just can't believe how fast time has flown by---but at the same time how much tyler (as well as mommy & daddy) have grown and developed in what seems like such a short amount of time. our sweet baby is crawling and really thinking about wanting to move those legs to walk. he's just a little angel and is so loving to anyone he comes in contact with. he is definitely a "people person" in that he just seems to love attention. he also has this way of making everyone feel special. i can't wait to see how this very distinct character trait develops in the next several years. i thought my sweet baby looked so cute the other day and so i decided to go in the front yard to take some pictures to remember the moment. enjoy!!!!
So stinkin' cute. Love that little boy already.