HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY TYLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow! we can't believe how fast this year has gone by and what an amazing journey it has been. tyler is such a wonderful and special little boy to his parents as well as so many others around him who love and adore him. i know everyone says this and i will too...but what did i do before tyler!!! i can't imagine not spending a day without him now. i am so honored and blessed to spend every day at home with him, just "hanging out!" like i told cw the other day, i feel like i'm having too much fun or it should be "illegal" for me to enjoy every day at home with sb so much. tyler is doing so much now:
- crawling everywhere
- "cruising" (standing up and walking sideways) around all of our furniture constantly
- loves to say mama, dada, duck, bird, ball, dog and his favorite of all time....bye bye!!!!!
- drinks whole milk and LOVES peanut butter
- still is so loving and cuddles with me all of the time
- has 9 teeth
- down to 1 2 1/2 hour to 3 hour nap a day
- enjoys pool time with daddy and his little play friends
- does not want items to be on top of or in anything. example---all of our tables with in reach must be cleared off, he takes every single toy out of his toy box and loves taking all the legos out of his new lego truck. very interesting to watch i must say :)
we can't wait to see how he develops in the next year!!! we just love us some sweet baby!!!!!!
the pictures above are of tyler's actual birthday which was a thursday this year. cw took the day off work to play. we went to the lake for a picnic lunch which was so much fun. then we decided we wanted to ride the uptown trolley, take some pictures with the conductor and have some margaritas and cupcakes! so mommy and daddy had the margaritas and sb had his first chocolate cupcake. it was such a fun and special day for our little family.
Great picture and memory. congratulations on tyler's first year!