the family before the party

guests enjoying themselves

greeting at the front entry. my mothers neighbor made these precious little trains out of marsh mellows for all the guest to take when they left. so cute!

kelli's "tablescape"

tyler's birthday cake made by a dear friend karol. just adorable!

chad socializing with guests...

chad socializing some more with guests...

my friend courtney, her husband dustin and their precious new little boy august. i think that new mommy deserves a sangria :) is that chad NOT socializing in the background...ha!

my friend amber with her son asher

my friend kristen and her daughter audrey

uncle monkey man helping chad out with some yard work---picking up dog poo :) love that he has a beer in his other hand.

tyler received this precious cowboy had from aunt holly. it's just adorable on him...of course

tyler clapping when we put the cupcake down on his tray. seems he was excited about what was about to take place.

going in for the chocolate!

all done...i think!

the family in front of our house with the railroad crossing sign grandad made just for the party. very sweet of him!

this was how we found tyler within minutes of putting him down to sleep that night. someone was worn out!!!

what a perfect 1st birthday party for tyler! so many friends and family came from all over to celebrate tyler turning 1 year old. we felt so special and loved on by everyone. tyler is definitely well loved :)
considering he was experiencing real bad allergies that day (from the picnic at the lake the day before of course) and didn't get an afternoon nap, tyler seemed to have such a fun time and was SO happy the entire day. what a blessing!!! he just loved all of the attention he received.
he got to have his 2nd birthday cupcake and his first peanut butter & jelly sandwich.
everyone was so generous and thoughtful with their gifts for tyler. he received so many neat presents that he LOVES to play with...and that look precious on his cute little body :) thank you so much to all of you that came. it was a wonderful day for tyler and for his parents...a day to remember forever!!!!