the 3 hunters and future hunter i'm told...

tyler loves to roam free outside at the grandparents house

he was fascinated by the wheel barrow. he pushed it around and picked up every stick that was in his way.

don't you also love the wranglers? how appropriate!

playing with his new dinosaurs

he must have realized his hands were dirty in this photo


and eating...


and reading...

i heart my boys!

well you all know my husband is a hunter correct? he likes to hunt for food for his family and then bring it home and give it me to figure out what to do with it--how to cook it that is. a tradition with his dad and uncle is to "process" their deer meet together in diana every spring. well, tyler got to join the men this year to "make sausage." meanwhile, mommy had an amazing 3 day weekend to herself in dallas!!!!! here are some cute pics of him during sausage making weekend in diana.
LOVE the updates!!!