we went in for our 2 week check-up yesterday with zuzie and received great news...we now weigh 7 lbs 1 oz and are 20" long!!! this is a long way from our birth weight just 2 weeks ago of 5 lbs 15 oz and 19" long. tyler was obviously hungry and was ready to pack on his winter coat. the appointment went well and all of our "new mommy" questions were answered. the only upsetting part was when they had to prick his little heel and take blood for several tests. tyler and mommy both cried!!!! my first experience of dealing with a child in pain and i think i blew it...seeing your child hurting is definitely not fun. guess i need to work on the poker face!!!
love the sweet story of mommy crying too! :) i am sure that was rough for the both of you but i must say the onesie is presh!!!! heart this adorable family of three!