Thursday, October 27, 2011
fall fun fest 2011
tyler was talking about the animals in the petting zoo.
super excited about the pigs...and i think he was pointing to a chicken.

we loved chasing after the bunnies.
and of course the "huge t-rex...grrrrrr" was a hit.
um hot dog...please!
and an entire stick of cotton candy to myself please...
that one was a little messy!!! check out the sunset!
last night was the fall fun fest at our church. tyler had so much fun...minus the extremely large gorilla on top of a huge blow-up bounce house/slide thing. we had to walk the opposite way around the back of the church to miss it on the way out because tyler kept saying "no gorilla!" but we walked around just admiring all the activities, played in the petting zoo, danced to the music playing and then ate lots of really bad food!!! so fun!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
san diego trip with hubby
the boys
chad even got to act as captain for a little while :)
scott and his toy
coming back into the harbor during sunset
chad invited me to come join him in california last month before a conference he was going to attend. with a little persuading :) i went out with him early and we had a wonderfully relaxing time together. we just love walking on the beach together, eating, staying in fun cottages where i don't have to clean or make dinner and just chatting about god and life. our highlight of the trip was a ride on a sailboat through the pacific ocean in the afternoon and through sunset. one of chad's friends and clients bought his dream sailboat and asked if we'd like to join him. UM YES!!!! the peacefulness, the grandeur, the vastness, the quietness and powerfulness...the ocean is such an image of god. it was just incredible....and an experience we will remember forever. here are some photos we took.
first day of mdo
he wanted to wear his t-rex outfit of course
and we were super excited to pack our dinosaur lunch box as well
with some guidance from the lord, tyler is now going 1 day a week to mother's day out at our church. he is really enjoying it!!! it's so cute because he'll tell me what he does each week and show me his little craft. he's even been napping there!!! what a blessing it has been for everyone. the lord's timing for this was just perfect...of course!!!!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
the bounce house
tyler holding onto the slide while he tested out the bounce house for the 1st time.
finally, bouncing around with jacey and enjoying it!!!
so fun!
taking a little break.
more break time...
we went to jacey's 3rd birthday party yesterday! bliss did such an amazing job and made it so special for the kiddo's AND the adults. she bought a bounce house and alert the media....TYLER BOUNCED IN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i say it this way because he's been terrified of these things since birth pretty much :) he sat on the edge for the longest time saying no. then he got in but held on to the slide. then he bounced while holding onto the slide. then was ok with jacey in it with himand they both bounced and laughed and had so much fun! little baby is growing up! happy birthday jacey! we love you!
the lake
tyler and jacey holding hands to say the blessing before pb&j's
hum...if i could only know what that little brain was thinking.
picking out worms to put on his fishing line
first time to fish...tyler had so much fun...and so did daddy!
tyler and his first fish!!!! he didn't really know what to think of it...can you tell? didn't want to touch it of course.
jacey and her BIG fish!
tyler on his first kayak ride. he went hunting for dinosaurs and dinosaur eggs and found a "green t-rex" which happened to be a large and partially deflated green tube. we talked about it the whole weekend and still talk about it :)
my boys...enjoying the view
all of us out to go look at the "green t-rex"
the davis family was so kind to invite us to spend labor day weekend at bliss's parent's lake house. we had so much fun with them. the cool air had just come in and it could not have been a more beautiful weekend! praise god! sweet jacey and tyler get along just beautifully and it was so special to see their precious interaction together. it was 2 days filled with delicious food, relaxing, great conversation, fishing, kayaking, swimming and even wake boarding for some of us. thank you davis's and your sweet parents!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
man day....or father's day for those of you that don't know what man day is...
who invented camo....really?
tyler with a paddle. he was in a boat you know riding around the store :)
wrestling the big fish....
killing the big fish.....
taking names later.....and resting....for about 2 seconds :)
tyler playing in the big tent daddy wants mommy to sleep in with him :)
my boys

every one's happy
chad and tyler received a BIG surprise from me this past weekend for father's day...a trip in the truck to the new cabela's AND in and out burger!!! and i have to say i think tyler enjoyed it even more than daddy :) we walked into cabela's or really i should say tyler ran into cabela's, looked up at about 15 "stuffed" as i call them animal heads on the wall and yelled...."ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.................deeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrr!!!" it was hilarious because everyone within about 20 yards could hear and see this screaming happy child and just smiled :) the frantzen's have arrived people. tyler ran around shouting out every possible animal name he knew. chad and i agreed we have not seen him that excited about anything...ever! maybe he can work there one day :)
then we sat in the drive through (for only 20 minutes) to get our burgers (animal style thanks to the davis's) and fries from in out out and went home to eat our burgers with a good bottle of wine...of course :) they boys devoured their burgers....and yes, i killed my burger as well :)
play date
the boys just chillin.....
my sweet precious friend courtney came over the other day to swim. of course before our 2 boys were born...we liked to discuss our fun shopping findings and of course we still do. can you tell we spoke about this precious little bathing suit beforehand :)
august and tyler had such a blast in the pool together...of course after they BOTH took 2 1/2 hour naps at my house :) what an amazing day for courtney and i to just sit by the pool, drink some skinny ritas and chat about anything and everything. i heart courtney!
tyler turned 2...
i love this shot of oliver with the balloons....
having fun...
the engineers trying to put a nemo kite together...perfectly and with no flaws of course :)

got it up....
tyler loves to encourage others by clapping...he also likes to clap for himself :) especially after happy birthday is sung.
sweet jacey and tyler holding hands. they are leading each other to the party. so cute!
now she's telling him about her big orange balloon...and tyler is giddy :)
wow they are just too cute i can barley stand it!!!!!!!!!!!
just enjoying the day...and the grass.
i love it when tyler kisses me. it makes my heart smile :)
on may 13th 2011! what a milestone i have to say. he is just the most precious little joy giver and i'm so blessed to have tyler as my sweet little son. i adore him!!! i can't say enough what god is showing me through him. a little angel made in god's image. what an honor to raise him.

every day is a new exciting adventure with him. what more can i say :)
we decided to have tyler's 2nd birthday party at flag pole hill. god provided the most beautiful day and the perfect picnic tables were available when we arrived to set up. god is good and he definitely showed up!
everyone had such a wonderful time, flying kites, eating, running around and just celebrating life. it really was perfect! happy birthday to our sweet boy!
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