oh my gosh is that my favorite...a yogurt melt!!!!!
the whole family
uncle monkey carter confused about why all these bunnies are surrounding him...
tyler had a wonderful first easter surrounded by lots of family and friends. tyler received multiple easter baskets from the easter bunny and loved all of his "puffs" and "yogurt melts" he received in his eggs. i thought he looked like a doll in his precious little outfit. i wish i could dress him like that every day :)
so.....sweet baby loves him some giada. (who could blame him :) about 1 week ago, i set tyler down in front of his toy basket that he likes to pull/stand up on and left the room. about 2 minutes later i heard this thump sound...listened and when i didn't hear crying, waited a couple more minutes until i came back into the front room. when i did, this is how i found tyler. i was hysterical laughing!!! sweet baby goes to great measures to watch giada!!!!
tyler loves grass...and tulips at the arboretum! i think i see my girlfriend...
and now a plane...
oh...here's my girlfriend!
at the arboretum for zuzie's birthday
zuzie and poppy with sweet baby
zuzie with her home-made strawberry cupcakes made by jennifer...yummy!!!!ok is this really the way to hold a baby uncle monkey carter??????
we have been enjoying going to the arboretum a lot! chad received a year pass from his parents for his birthday and i think tyler and i have been getting the most use out of it! the weather has been beautiful and the spring blooms there are just outstanding!!! tyler and i meet friends for kindermusik on tuesdays at lunch and then we've also gone for zuzies birthday party. we just love springtime!!!
can you believe this hair!!!! and he's standing up in his crib now (once i sit him up)
daddy and mommy going out for date night :) tyler got to stay home and play with nana and grandad
notice the precious noah's ark painting in the background. that was an early birthday gift for tyler from my good friend michelle. isn't she a great artist!!!!
tyler loves to stand up behind his "lawnmower" a friend from MOPS passed down to us
i think it's really a bus but that's what daddy calls it :)
always happy!
playing in the laundry basket while nana folded our laundry...very sweet of her!
walking with daddy before he goes to work
playing in our front yard while mommy plants flowers. rose is multi-tasking...sunning herself and guarding sweet baby
this is one of his favorites right now...a screwdriver out of a toolbox he got for christmas from grandad
ok so we were going to plan a "creepy gnome" 1st birthday party but decided against it...so i took this as an idea. i still think it's hilarious!
i think a plane was going above them. i love this photo of my boys!
Well hi!!! i bet you thought i forgot about this blog...well no! we were having some camera/memory card issues but we're back on track now. so prepare for a lot of posts to come :) i'm actually not really sure where to start so i thought i would post just some random cute pictures and describe each one and what we've been up to the last 2 months. Tyler is almost 11 months old now!!! i just can't believe how fast "they" grow. he is changing and developing every day while his personality just gets sweeter and more playful! Here are some updates on the sweet baby:
he has 3 teeth that are totally grown in and 3 more on the way in now...so 6 total!
not really crawling yet but scooting from point a to b
he wants to pull up on everything now--from his toy basket to my leg to the sofa...
likes to say...dadadada, mamamama, tatatatata, and nanananana a lot
is eating solid food on his own...in fact so much so that the only thing he has let me feed him the past week is yogurt
still just adores being outside. we go on walks almost every morning and he just seems in his element when we're outside, no matter what we're doing. so i'm assuming hunting/fishing with daddy will be in the near future.....
smiles at everyone!!!! tyler has not met a stranger yet. i can not count how many people/strangers comment on how happy/joyful he is. we also get lots of "he looks like a gerber baby."
he really is so loving and cuddly...i know he gets that from daddy! when he wants to kiss you, he just opens up his mouth really wide onto your neck or face...a towel is required after he gives his love :)
still extremely laid back and easy...this is very good for mommy :)
i still feel so blessed to be able to stay home with tyler every day and watch him grow. he brings so much joy to my life as well as chad's...i could never have imagined how wonderful parenthood really is!!!
"You must do the thing you think you cannot do."
- Eleanor Roosevelt
Grab your flashlight & step inside the Copenhagen Room
Holiday Wine Time!
It's that time of year for wine lovers to unite and share the joy of wine with those we love. As we celebrate the holidays and time with family, a few bottles I aim to pour:
Bird Wine: for the fabled turkery dinner- a good choice I think is a Pinot Noir (Russian River or Oregon) or a nice fresh Rose.
Pinot Picks- Walter Hansel, Gary Farrell, Hanna, or any clasic Burgundy
Rose Picks-Lynmar Estate, Miner, Crios, or any southern French Rose
welcome to our blog and our family! this is just a little glimpse of our lives, our passions and the fun we have...all because we have be so blessed by our creator!!!