sweet baby with his favorite new toy...his tyler coffee cup and he's sitting up!!!

my fabulous new estate sale find....a cute outfit.

tyler is dreaming of milk and clean diapers...

precious little face...looks a little mischievous.

my two boys...homies...

sweet baby with his nana.

sweet baby with pops and zuzie.

the family.

having lunch with our friends courtney and dustin.

tyler with aunt lisa.

tyler had his 4 month check-up yesterday and is doing wonderful! he now weighs 13 lbs 8 oz and is 24 1/2" long. it's just amazing how every day he either does something new or sees something new. chad bought a coffee cup with tyler's name on it for me to drink my morning coffee out of and tyler has become fascinated with it. it's hilarious that as opposed to the thousands of expensive toys out there, he loves this bright colored coffee cup. i'm sure this won't last but we'll enjoy it while it does. tyler is also doing wonderful at tummy time, picking his head up and keeping it up while watching around the room---or admiring princess rosemary. he also is able to sit up in his green pod seat now and play with toys. this new little development is quite beneficial for mommy who can now prepare her lunch and eat while watching him entertain himself. he is still just so darn happy ALL the time...he smiles at everything and everyone...esp. his parents!!! we feel like his laid-back, happy and loving personality he had at birth is just getting more and more prevalent as he gets older. chad and i feel SO blessed to have this sweet baby in our lives. our love for this little miracle just gets stronger every day...i really didn't know i could love something so much that it would hurt. that little angel....we love him dearly!!!