he is risen indeed!!!! what a wonderful easter weekend we had. it was beautiful weather and tyler is old enough to understand what easter is all about....JESUS!!!!! chad had the idea to do resurrection egg this year---and i had the idea to do dinosaur eggs :) chad hid the eggs (6 with candy and 6 with the symbols that talk about the days leading up to jesus' death and his resurrection. then once tyler found the eggs he opened them one by one and chad explained what each symbol in the egg meant. then when tyler got to the last egg--which was white and empty---tyler opened it and he said "there's nothing in it" and chad said--do you know why tyler? then tyler said in a really loud voice and raised his hands "jesus is risen!!!!" i got tears in my eyes at how the holy spirit is already working on his sweet little heart. god is so good!!!!!!!!!!! praise jesus!!!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
easter 2012
new stuff...camping
tyler sitting in the cozy lounge chair in the big bear camper
i'm not sure...but i think this could have been me 32 years ago....
so excited to take a walk around lake lavon...hum...what kind of animals am i going to see...
helping us put up the tent....really??????
really look at this picture---who is looking at the directions and seem to be figuring this tent thing out...then notice the by-standard
we had all sorts of fun camping...we found a park with a slide
we hung like a monkey on the monkey-bars
we slid down a pole like a fire fighter
we looked at the sky with grand dad
we played soccer with nana
we went fishing
we hiked around the lake...well kind of...
we found dinosaur tracks....t-rex to be specific
we found bugs
we played with bugs
we had so much fun..................
that we fell asleep on nana while eating....
sweet sweet little baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well...i've been kind of busy...obviously since the last time i updated this was fall of last year. i don't even really know where to start but i'll just add some photos. after 9 years....cw has finally talked me into....camping...yes...you heard right. it worked out perfectly because nana and grand dad had their camper at lake lavon and tyler was able to sleep with them, nana and grand dad cooked for us and we had a clean restroom! so mama was happy!!! cw and i just slept in the tent by ourselves which was actually not too bad. kind of cool actually hearing the bugs and seeing the stars. the weather was perfect and it was a really nice time. alert the media because i even acknowledged that i would do it again. thanks nana and grand dad for the use of your camper and for being wonderful babysitters!!!!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
fall fun fest 2011
tyler was talking about the animals in the petting zoo.
super excited about the pigs...and i think he was pointing to a chicken.

we loved chasing after the bunnies.
and of course the "huge t-rex...grrrrrr" was a hit.
um hot dog...please!
and an entire stick of cotton candy to myself please...
that one was a little messy!!! check out the sunset!
last night was the fall fun fest at our church. tyler had so much fun...minus the extremely large gorilla on top of a huge blow-up bounce house/slide thing. we had to walk the opposite way around the back of the church to miss it on the way out because tyler kept saying "no gorilla!" but we walked around just admiring all the activities, played in the petting zoo, danced to the music playing and then ate lots of really bad food!!! so fun!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
san diego trip with hubby
the boys
chad even got to act as captain for a little while :)
scott and his toy
coming back into the harbor during sunset
chad invited me to come join him in california last month before a conference he was going to attend. with a little persuading :) i went out with him early and we had a wonderfully relaxing time together. we just love walking on the beach together, eating, staying in fun cottages where i don't have to clean or make dinner and just chatting about god and life. our highlight of the trip was a ride on a sailboat through the pacific ocean in the afternoon and through sunset. one of chad's friends and clients bought his dream sailboat and asked if we'd like to join him. UM YES!!!! the peacefulness, the grandeur, the vastness, the quietness and powerfulness...the ocean is such an image of god. it was just incredible....and an experience we will remember forever. here are some photos we took.
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